
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Your the child of a vet when....

In honor of Father's Day I decided to write a blog about all the funny and weird things that I love about being the daughter of a vet.

  1. You have 2 thermometers in your for humans and one for dogs. You actually use the one for dogs more then people would think.
  2. Throughout your life you planned on being a vet or actually became one. 
  3. You love all animals and all animals love you. This is so true that you have never met a pet that hasn't liked you.
  4. People will ask you questions about their dogs and you have the answers for them. You check with your parent anyway, but they just inform you that you were correct.
  5. Nothing in life makes you sick to your stomach or squeamish. You got past all that by the age of 3, because you were always around things that people would find gross.
  6. Talking about diseases or bodily issues isn't a big deal. You grew up talking about it at the dinner table and nothing makes you loose your appetite. 
  7. You have a personal vet you can call anytime of day when you have pet issues. Plus they will examine them for free....this one just rocks.
  8. They let you and your siblings have any pet they want, but with a few exceptions like snakes. 
  9. Everyone knows that my dad is a vet that specializes in swine. One weird thing about me is I would totally have a normal pig as a pet (not a potbelly pig or a teacup pig - that's just weird) if they didn't get so big. They are like dogs, but sometimes smarter.
  10. You probably really like zoo's because of the animals. This is actually my favorite place to go. 
  11. Speaking of zoo's. You may have watched the movie We Bought A Zoo and wished that was you growing up.
Those are just some fun things I like about being the daughter of a vet. I hope you have a great Father's Day dad...Love you!

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