
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Our Garden

I decided that this year I wanted to attempt a garden. Well this is how our little plants are doing! I didn't want to tear up the yard so I decided on container planting. It's ridiculously easy...I just let them do their own thing.

Well my cucumber/zucchini got a little fried, but the new growth is green so we are good! haha

My little bean plant.

My biggest issue was figuring out how much to plant for myself and somewhat Curt. Guess I'll find out.

I haven't really looked at my broccoli (above) and cauliflower (below), but they are already growing!

A close up of my delicious veggies

Of course I have tomatoes. These things rock. In the above picture are my cherry tomatoes and below are a roma tomato plant and a regular tomato plant. I probably have way to many tomatoes, but Buttercup will be more than willing to help me consume any that I don't want.

I was taking pictures and looked to realize she was watching me. I feel that its kind of like having kids. She follows me everywhere, but that's just her way of loving me. :)

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