
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Benefits of a Snow Day

The last snow day we had I got on Facebook and saw nothing but negative comments. Why? I understand everyone is tired of winter and the snow, but you can't do anything about it. All your complaining is doing is making the world more negative. It's bad enough without the added negativity. God is controlling the weather so if he wants it to snow it will snow. Instead of grumbling and complaining about how its inconveniencing, we should step back and look at his work. That sparked my blog for today. I thought about what made my snow day awesome and here are some of my reasons. 
1. A little snow goes a long way. It amazes me that snow can make the dead look beautiful. I love watching it snow and seeing how beautiful it makes the scenery.

2.  I get to spend the day with my puppies. They are just too cute!  In your case you get to stay home with your kids or family. Maybe you were complaining because of this?

3. Movies!! On a weekday I feel that watching a movie takes up my entire night, but not on a snow day. I can watch a movie or too and still be productive.

4. I get to do my dishes and not feel rushed. For me, I get home at 5 and try to spend that time with Curt. Doing dishes, cooking, etc takes away from that and I'm not a fan. I got to get the dishes all cleaned up and cleaned my kitchen while I was at it.

5. I got to set my clock to the time. This is one of my weird things. I like my clocks to be exact. It drives me nuts if they are a minute or two off. Luckily my snow day happened after daylight savings and I could take all the time I wanted to get these babies on the right time.

 6. I get to eat a delicious breakfast that doesn't have to be scarfed down in 5 minutes or less. I don't wake up early enough to make yummy breakfasts everyday, but on snow days this changes.

7. Chilling on the couch with a blanket. I love staying in my pj's and cuddling under a blanket while watching my movies. Perfect way to beat the Dash will join me on the couch sometimes and I get to cuddle with him.

8. I get to enjoy my shower and not be rushed. They are normally only a few minutes longer, but I don't feel like I'm running a race to get to work on time. :) Oh as a side note our shower head squirted water everywhere and not much went onto us. We had a gift card to Menard's and decided to use part of it toward a new one.We got a waterfall one (which is pictured below) and it's amazing. Its worth every penny and was only like $35. Totally makes it feel like a spa. I recommend getting one.

9. You get to bake and make delicious desserts.  Mine happened to be shortcake so I could make strawberry shortcake. Yes it was awesome.

10. I got to workout and do an entire Zumba class (60 minutes long) instead of the short class which is only 20 minutes long. I do the short classes during the week so it doesn't cut out Curt and I time. 
11. I don't have a picture of this but you get to each lunch on an actual plate. Not out of a plastic container or baggie.

Now those are just a few reasons. Next time there is a snow day, whether its next week or next winter, be grateful you get to spend time with family and get a little break.

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