
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Baseballs or Bows?

We had our gender ultrasound at Baby Bliss in Lafayette on Saturday and decided to have family over on Sunday to announce to them if it is a boy or girl! First of all, Megan, at Baby Bliss is AMAZING. I recommend going to her, even if its just to get a random ultrasound and not necessarily a gender one. She even does 3D ones which are really cool! I am totally going to her for all my pregnancies to find out the gender now. Worth every cent!

While trying to think of a theme for our party, I first wanted to think of something a little different to announce it. Most people do cake or balloons, but if you know me I like to be unique. Curt was more than happy to hit a plastic ball which would then explode and a cloud of powder would be in blue or pink, when I ran across the idea on Pinterest. Our theme of course, Baseballs or Bows?!

How cute are these invites?

This is when I'm praying that 1. I throw the ball where he can hit it and 2. he hits the dumb ball.

We did it! The best part? We totally didn't factor in the wind and he was COVERED in blue powder. So if you do this, maybe take that into consideration. Although, it was hilarious for me.

Clark Randall is on his way. Keep growing little boy!

The party gave me an excuse to make snacks that I could enjoy as well.

My all time favorite sugar cookie recipe. Took me awhile to find it and perfect it, but its worth the time.

 More Pinterest inspired decorations!

Yeah, our kid didn't follow the old wives tales. I did notice the Chinese calendar was right so I'm gonna take a closer look at that next time!

Everyone enjoyed the weather. We totally could use a pool though (one day).

While baseball was the theme, that didn't mean we all had to play it. It just naturally happened! 

 How cute are my nieces?! 

Seriously adorable.

 and more baseball!

To answer the other question most people ask, no I had no idea whatsoever if it was a boy or girl. Mother's intuition wasn't working yet for me. Maybe next time? 

Now I can FINALLY start doing nursery projects. Clark's nursery is totally going to be superhero themed and its all planned out. Now just painting, cleaning the carpet, assembling a crib, revamping a dresser, shopping for decor, getting a chair, and putting it all together is left. That's not too much right?!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


So if you have ever tried getting a picture of a dog, its hard. Take that and multiply it by 3 and that what I dealt with for our announcement pictures. I did get some funny bloopers in the process!

"Why the heck do you want me to stand here?"

"What is this thing?"

"Mmm this peanut butter is good."

"This is my good side."

"Are we done yet?"
"I'm practicing my guard dog stance." (This picture cracks me up!)

"Okay I'm over this."

"I hate getting my picture taken."

"Maybe if I smile but look to the left she will be content."

Now for updated baby ultrasounds (of course!) :) My doctor had me bring my dad's ultrasound to play around at our last appointment. It was pretty funny when you are ultrasounding yourself, and your doctor is watching!
 Thumb sucker?

It's hands and feet! (Hands on the left and feet on the bottom right.)

so cute :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Our Big News :)

I'm SO excited our news is out!! Plus now it feels real that everyone knows. For those who may have missed the announcement, Curt and I are expecting! I'm due on September 26th. 

These dogs have no idea what's coming. At least Walter will finally have a friend his size to help wear him out!

You may not know, but my dad is a veterinarian. This means I have access to an ultrasound and have taken advantage of that! I love looking and checking in. I got the best videos last night, but talk about those in a second.

This is the ultrasound we got at 8 weeks from the doctor.

Here is the ultrasound picture I got last night! Crazy how much 3 weeks makes a difference.

How cool is it that you can see the heartbeat?! I was excited to finally get a good video of it. 

What's super weird is how much our kid is moving, but yet he/she is so small you can't feel it!

This may be my favorite video I got. All of a sudden I was like...CURT its hiccuping! It's so cute I think I watched it like 20 times last night.

Now I am ready to find out the gender so I can go shopping!!