
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Summer Birthdays

HOW IS IT ALMOST SEPTEMBER?! Summer always goes fast, but I feel like it went super fast this year. Maybe its because I don't feel like it was ever here....Did it get hot enough to be considered summer?! (ok ok like a 2 days it was super hot) Since its pretty much fall weather now I'll just summarize all our summer birthdays!

 Opening up my selfie stick!

Because who doesn't want their hose to roll up in a convenient box? 

This picture is typical me!

Getting excited!
Modeling his new watch

We can't forget Walter's birthday!

Trying to figure out what it is.

Being good and posing for the camera!

But now he really wants it. He is just waiting for me to say go eat it!

His first taste..

I think he liked it!