My birthday was yesterday and it was awesome! I had to work, but being an adult I don't have the luxury of doing whatever I want on my birthday. On the bright side my mom bought me lunch at China Garden which made up for me being at work. :) After work, Curt surprised me with flowers and some scratch off tickets. I love scratch off tickets...I have no idea why, but they are so much fun. Then we headed to Merrillville to get my present and go out for dinner. He did a Price is Right kind of thing where I got three choices and I got to choose what I wanted. Such a cool idea. I ended up picking the gift that he originally thought of which was a new telephoto lens for my camera! I love it and cannot wait to use it more. I also got a camera bag and a remote for my camera. He spoils me, but I'm not complaining. All the picture you see below are pretty much with my new lens which doesn't make sense to use for the pictures, but who cares.
I forgot to mention that Tuesday night Curt made me cupcakes for my birthday. He is so sweet.
Funfetti of course
He even brought one to me yesterday morning with a candle for breakfast. A cupcake plus I didn't have to get up to get it....That's my kind of breakfast.
They are delicious!
My gift!!!
Check out that lens....Curt has a softball game tonight and I am excited to use it!
The dogs got a little close when I was testing out the lens. These pictures turned out pretty funny though.
Check out Buttercup's face. hahaha
Using the new remote and new lens
We think we are so cool
Here are the flowers he got me. I love them! I was using my new lens and had to stand on the other side of the room to get these pictures. Check out close up I got from standing about 6 feet away!