
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter with our puppies

So we are awesome and like excuses to give each other gifts. Easter is a good one for just a little item(s) that we have been meaning to buy and just haven't gotten around to it. Plus I know I love giving gifts so holidays give me a reason.

 Curt's becoming a pro with our camera.

 Our the way those Twix eggs are fantastic. I wish I would have bought more. 

 We couldn't leave our dogs out. I got them these biscuits that supposedly help them not kill the grass when they pee. We have only been using it a week, but so far no dead grass.

 Plus they seem to love it. Just would like to disclose that they smell super strong. Oh and you can buy them at Petsmart if you are wondering.

 I go the hummingbird feeder I wanted. I found a hummingbird nest in our bush out front and wanted a feeder so that they came back. I'm hoping to get some pics of the nest and eggs this year if the hummingbirds cooperate with me.

 Buttercup has been inside long enough that she knows its pointless to sniff everything that I touch. She went straight back to the biscuits and is licking her lips. haha Dash on the other hand is like a little kid and has to check out everything. I also got some planters, seeds, and gardening tools. I decided I wanted to have some vegetables, but didn't want to tear up my yard this year.

 All the veggies I decided I wanted. I'm attempting romaine lettuce, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, cucumber, and zucchini. Not even a week later I have sprouts on either my lettuce or spinach. I can't remember what I planted in that certain area. :) I'm super excited though!

 Time for Curt's gift.

 Dash is again helping us out.

 Woohoo a fire pit! Now all we need is some marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. I'm hoping to test this pit out soon!

 I grabbed some close ups of our puppies as well. Buttercup is turning 12 this year, but that doesn't seem to slow her down. Even though she can annoy me by following me absolutely everywhere I go; its going to be weird when she is gone.

Dash also got a little squeaker pig. Buttercup doesn't like them which is why I didn't get her one. Dash actually turns 11 on April 30th, but acts like he is 3 years old.

Did you do anything special for your family this Easter?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter Egg Coloring - Pogue Style

Last Friday we went over to Kristy's house to color eggs with Colton and Grayson. Its always fun when you get to hang out and play with your nephews!

 Starting him young on the guitar.

 Chocolate and candy!

 He really wanted the candy that was inside...

 A new idea Kristy saw was using tattoos on eggs. It actually works and is really cool. Curt is showing off his skull and cross bones tattooed egg.

 Egg coloring with plastic eggs and water. The best idea for little ones.

 Colton focusing on coloring his eggs. He went all out using every color on almost every egg. :)

Curt kept blowing on Grayson and he thought it was the funniest thing. Check out the video below of it. Too cute

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter on My Side

We celebrated Easter with my side of the family first because everyone grows up and gets super busy. We ended up celebrating on the 12th but it was perfect weather and a great day! We also celebrated my mom's 60th birthday, her actual birthday is on April 25th, and so both grandparents made the trip over. It was great to see everyone.

 I decided to bring a veggie pizza. Its vegetables but better tasting. haha Anyway to make vegetables enjoyable is better.

 Carter just woke up when he arrived so he took awhile to wake up.


 Kev with his two boys.

 Once you start to push Carter around on a tricycle or bike that turns into your job the rest of the day unless your lucky enough to distract him with something else.

 He loved the bubbles that grandma and grandpa got him.

 Mom and Jasper

 The family picture. Carter wasn't the happiest again, but at least he had a roll to eat. :)

 He is getting so big!

 Jasper having fun on the drums.

 This is what my dad would do every time the family got together. It looks like Matt joined him.

 Everyone got to be outside and enjoy the day.


 Easter baskets from grandma and grandpa. Those are stuffed full.

 Carter and his dad

 Easter egg hunt time

 Matt was cleaning up after Penny and almost got hit with it. haha

 Jasper was nice and got Carter a drink. I think Carter was excited about it.

 Time to empty his basket.

 Its always best to carry your drink with you.

 Jasper learned that the multicolored eggs had money.

 Had to put his money in his pocket to stay safe. 

 Papa Tom and Jasper flying a kite.

 Everyone else decided to join the party.

 Park time!

 Curt and I carried Carter back to my parents house. By the end of the day Jasper and Carter were worn out as well as the rest of us.

I remembered to grab a cute picture of us before the day was over. That is something I always forget to get a picture of...stupid right? Anyway hope you enjoy the pictures. More Easter to come!